And when the said officers had entered within, the noble En Berenguer Carros and the Company of the Lord

King set up a largp royal standard of the said Lord King on the castle of San Pancracio and then, on each of the towers, small royal pennons. And by the favour of God, when banner and pennons were set up on the towers, there was no sign of wind at all ; but as soon as they were planted the wind came from the SouthWest, the finest wind of the world, which spread out all the banners and pennons, and it was the most beautiful sight there ever was for those who love the House of Aragon, and for their opponents, it was the worst. And here the Te Deum was cried and there were so m any people, Catalans within, and many Sardinians, and they of Bonaire without, wrho all said the responses to the Te Deum together, that it seemed as if Heaven and Earth were crumbling.