Now I shall let them be and shall turn to the Saracens, who were preparing to assault the fort of the count de Pallars on the following Sunday in battle array. And on the Saturday, at the hour of vespers, the Saracen returned to the Lord King and said to him : “ Lord, be ready at dawn with all your followers, and prepare your battle in camp.” Said the Lord King : “ Of that we are very glad.” And at once he commanded that the horses should have armour put on at dawn and everyone, as well retainers as almugavars and seamen, should be ready and should all be at the barricades, and that, when the trumpets and nakers of the Lord King sounded, and the standard was unfurled all men should cry : “ St. George and Aragon,” and everyone attack. And so the Lord King commanded that everyone should go and sleep, but all were so full of joy that hardly anyone could sleep that night.