Afonso Dalboquerque, not content with having routed and destroyed all the king’s fleet, in order that nothing might remain undone, gave instructions to Afonso Lopez da Costa, Antonio do Campo, and D. Antonio de Noronha, to go in their boats and give chase to some guard-boats that were making off towards the mainland. And as they went favoured with the victory which Our Lord had given them, they pursued them, and sent all that they overtook to the bottom, and put to death all the people that were in them, and to others they set fire, and these went on burning over the sea, wherever the wind drove them, and it was a great sight to behold. And Afonso Dalboquerque, with the other captains, went along the beach, bombarding the suburbs, burning all the ships that were moored to the shore; and they approached so close that from the windows and terraces the enemy wounded some of the men with arrows and stones; and all the ships he met with in the sea, as they were collecting together to moor themselves to the land, he took and set on fire, putting all the people to death.