On the return of D. Antonio with this reply, the great Afonso Dalboquerque commanded all the men to embark in the boats, and in the fusta, and permitted Francisco de Tavora to command his own ship’s company for that particular day, to which indeed he had already appointed as captain, Diniz Fernandes, as chief mate, Diogo de Melo, and Martim Coelho, who had already Afonso Dalboquerque’s commission. When they were ready they came on board the flagship to set out thence altogether; and the people of the city, seeing that the almadia did not return, and that our boats were collecting themselves together with the intention of going to land, began to take refuge in large numbers in the mountains. Afonso Dalboquerque let the Moors of the almadia go on their parole, and stood in straight for shore with all his people, and told Martim Coelho and Francisco de Tavora, that as soon as they disembarked they were to proceed at once to attack the city on the side near the mosque, which was close to the sea, while he with the rest of the men would enter by the other end.