Studies have consistently shown that increased wealth causes people to turn inward, to believe more in their own "superior" traits, and to care less about the feelings and needs of others. This anti-social attitude blends well with the Ayn-Randish "greed is good" message of unregulated capitalism. Experiments by Paul Piff and his colleagues have revealed that upper-class individuals tend to be narcissistic, with a clear sense of entitlement. Free-marketers overwhelm us with their delusions: Income inequality is simply not a significant problem. Income inequality in a capitalist system is truly beautiful. Capitalism has worked very well. Members of the sinking middle class in our pathologically unequal society may well find it convenient to blame people in lower economic classes, who are unlikely to fight back. As more and more immigrants entered the country in the early twentieth century, supposedly learned Americans, convinced of their superior genes, began to decry the "dilution" of advanced races due to gradual inbreeding.