If the commission as an institution represents the general European interest, the Council of Ministers is where the interests of member states dominate. It is the prime decision-maker and therefore the most powerful of the Community's organs. In the words of the Directorate-General for Research of the European Parliament. Legislation, as normally understood, is undertaken through regulations and directives. Both are initiated by the commission and adopted by the Council of Ministers, in most cases nowadays under a co-decision procedure with the European Parliament and, when appropriate, after consulting the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. The council has a rotating chairmanship or presidency, with ministers from each member state taking turns for a six-month period in the chair. Coreper will work methodically through all the issues awaiting ministerial decision. As a result of this crisis, the five members reluctantly acquiesced in the so-called 'Luxembourg compromise' to ensure continued French membership of the Community.