This chapter begins with a brief overview of the context of teaching critical literacy in Australia at the time of the data collection and analysis. Teacher enactment is highlighted in this chapter to show the ways in which four teachers practise critical literacy as a regular pedagogical approach to literacy teaching, in high school classrooms with English language learners in Queensland, Australia. The key themes arising for each teacher are as follows: Lucas – The Access Paradox – Providing a way in to texts. Riva – Reader positions – Exploring power and domination through invited and resistant 'readings'. Margot – Social justice – Providing access to texts while exploring power and domination. Celia – Difference and emotion – Drawing on learner diversity and weaving in critical aesthetics. It then, reports on empirical data gathered through observations of teacher practice in classroom lessons with EAL learners, and their articulated understandings of critical literacy gathered through interviews and classroom artefacts.