The acoustical difference is that a conical-shaped standing wave eliminates several of the upper partials from each pitch, resulting in a less “brilliant” sound than that produced by cylindrical brass instruments. The metal of the brass instruments is important for tone quality, and most companies presently use a satisfactory grade. A yellow brass lacquer finish is the most common although silver plating is preferred by many professionals. The correct brass embouchure consists of a lip position that uses a balance of smiling and puckering muscles. Lip slurs are the technique of changing pitches within a harmonic series by adjusting the embouchure only, without changing slide position or valve combinations. Learning to play in the high register demands practicing in the high register, but with care, frequent rest, and alternate low-register practice. To maintain a pianissimo tone, the lips should be relaxed and close together, the throat open and relaxed, the air blown with intensity as a small, thin, steady stream.