Music, Land, spirituality, and culture coalesce in the ways Indigenous people conceive of their being-and well-being-in the world, as Indigenous artists constantly remind us. Many of the testimonies collected in this book seem to converge in the idea that ‘Indigenous identity’ and all its manifestations are to be seen in communion with nature. Elaborating on the examples and the discussions developed around the politics of identity, and aware of the complexities and diversity represented by each artist and their music, I focus here on those recurrent themes, or tropes, that Indigenous rappers often refer to when writing their lyrics. I am also interested in the ways in which, either consciously or unconsciously, these artists cooperate to reinforce ideas about a distinct genre within the ‘Australian Hip Hop community.’ By identifying the points in common among some of the most popular Indigenous rappers, and continuing the discussion started in the previous chapter, I aim to investigate the most recurrent themes tackled by Australian Indigenous rappers in their music.