MilošForman boarding-school education ended prematurely in my sophomore year. At that time the son of an editor-in-chief of an important literary magazine was enrolled there too a nice guy, but, unfortunately, a victim of an injustice no revolution. A friend and he organized a drama club; and they put on a production of a musical about Francois Villon, Ballad of Rags. It was a period when Prague was experiencing its first wave of rock groups singing in Czech, and Miloá Forman went to have a look at one of their concerts at the Vrtbovská Gardens. When the film was first released, people said it was cruel and cynical. But the cruelty that comes across to us from the movie screen is built into any audition; it is of its essence and has nothing to do with the good or evil intentions of those who organize an audition or those who film it.