Although statistical consensus differs,1 and despite religious variances, it is generally accepted that most of the world population believes in some form of religion, which more often than not includes some notion of God. Here we must reiterate that religion is a global defense that gives billions of people a sense of purpose and meaning and allows them to function in the face of existential absurdity, without which life would be unbearable, pointless, or futile. Arguably, to take that away would result in psychological and social calamity. A valid argument (albeit unpopular) could be made that because most of the world population are either illiterate or uneducated, they are not intellectually capable or enlightened enough to live life on its own terms free of this type of psychological need for self-protection from the truth of reality. Instead illusion through fantasy replaces the harsh confrontation with one’s defenses, without which it would surely bring internal tumult and atrociousness if one were forced to tackle head on their own irrational beliefs in favor of faith that provides some solace.