The inherent resonant and vibratory qualities of material objects and how to manipulate them for sound art. Objects that rely on their inherent resonant properties to create sound. No amplification, audio signals, or synthesis is involved. Milk cans, glass vessels, metal sheets, chimes, and other objects used to make or resonate sound fall into this category. The idea of the sound walk also brings to mind an appreciation of the unadorned acoustic sound, but people want to distinguish between the sounding object and ambient noise. A more portable work using the same principle was done in 1970 by Akio Suzuki. The sounding object may also be an object from nature, such as a tree. An assisted sound object may also take the form of an installation using some mechanical means to perpetuate the sounds that it makes. Works that use mechanical means to create sound from nonmusical objects are also important to the realm of assisted sounding objects.