As you will have gathered, there is a lot to get through in the face-toface session. This can usually be accomplished in the 50-minute hour, although if you run over that time, that is perfectly fine. However, given the modern pace of life, when the client leaves your office, they may be bombarded with a number of different things competing for their attention. This is particularly the case if they turn on their mobile phone and/ or tablet as soon as they leave you. My view is that it is important that your client gives themself some time to reflect on the session that they have had with you and particularly on what they have learned and how they are going to implement what they have learned. You would have already flagged this issue when making an appointment with your client (see Chapter 19 ). It is for this reason that I suggest to clients that they refrain from re-entering their busy world too quickly and spend about 30 minutes by themselves reflecting on the session, what they have learned and how they are going to put such learning into practice. My office is near Regent’s Park so I suggest that they take a walk in the park or sit on a park bench and reflect there, although some people like to have hustle and bustle around them rather than quiet to do their reflecting. Some may wish to reflect in writing and others in thought. One of my SSI-CBT (WD) clients said they would make a drawing during her reflection period. How they reflect is not as important as that they do so.