Input controls provide users with options to customize how a report is generated, which allows the same report to serve multiple functions. The 4.4 Standards represent a synthesis of literature pertaining to effective input control design. Input controls provide users with options for report generation. Standard 4.5.01 offers input controls that facilitate data investigation practices that are recommended for users. Easy-to-access and -use input controls are part of making data system reports easy to manipulate. Standard 4.5.02 does not hide any controls required for the report to generate. Standard 4.5.03 grays out unavailable options and leaves out Never-Available Options. Standard 4.5.04 displays/groups input controls by category. Data needs to be provided to users in ways that easily facilitate decision making. A hierarchical outline of content should be established and paired with consistent vocabulary that makes the content and its organizational structure easy to understand and navigate. Standard 4.5.05 offers time-saving options.