In the service of educating the public, curriculum is characterized by inspirited and informed communication: “a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired, and transformed.” By linking teaching to technology and the curriculum to student scores on standardized examinations, politicians and profiteers have taken control from teachers of what is to be taught: the curriculum. By banishing subjectivity, by scripting curriculum and linking students’ study to standardized test scores and fantasized future jobs, politicians and profiteers silence the complicated conversation that is the curriculum, replacing it with socialization for submissiveness through technological training for economic efficiency. Engaging in complicated conversation constitutes a curriculum in which academic knowledge, subjectivity, and society become reciprocally reinvigorated. The school has been deformed into a business, plundered by profiteers. The US education professoriate is defamed as they are directed to align teacher education with political and economic agendas.