This chapter highlights the struggles, journey and activism of one young woman who is young, Latina, undocumented and was a former gang member. It talks about the life story of Soledad that illuminates the lived possibilities for learner-actors who become the community peace activist and voice for those that have been written off in society. Soledad became victimized by structures of violence, both overt and covert. From her journey as a young child crossing the border from Mexico, experiences in the gang life to her marginalization in schools, Soledad spells out where countless opportunities were missed for schools and teachers alike to "see" and "hear" her. The current political anti-immigrant climate and the rallying around walls and policies of exclusion demand a moment of pause to listen, hear and understand the voice and struggles of undocumented youth. The life story of Soledad, provides a unique perspective on the tenacity of one young woman's activism and peace work.