Kinship contacts means interactions among legal or blood relatives outside of immediate family members. A high degree of social trust cannot be established without high interaction frequency and intense engagement in social communication. However, what is the relationship between social trust and kinship contact? Our research results shows that when facing important problems, adolescents’ first choice was to consult with their “parents,” young people and middle-aged people chose to talk with their “friends,” and old people chose to discuss the issues with their “spouse.” Regarding their favorite holidays, nearly every generation had some strong recognition of Spring Festival, except the youth who ranked it after Christmas; people in different age groups reflected their different views on political life, individual conditions of caring about politics, and engagement in political activities. Overall, caring about society and participating in social activities led to volunteering actions of any rational and self-conscious individuals. This chapter reveals the reason behind these results and also indicates the importance of intergenerational relationship.