Class has been around for millennia, cross-cut and offset it may have been by gender and other relatively autonomous forms of contention in different ways at different times, but it is still true that the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle. Position in the social space and its various homologies, however, do not exhaust the determinants of experience. Unpicking the phenomenology of domestic experience revealed that objects, practices and places are often alloys, with pertinences in multiple fields embedded within the horizons of perception, ultimately being integrated into the world horizon as the sense of potentialities, the subjective field of possibles, across myriad spaces of struggle inscribed in one action, utterance or project. The need for cross-national comparison extends to lifeworld analysis too, particularly as it relates to the balance or conflict between employment-related fields and the familial field for time, space, attention and desire and its inflection by class fraction and gender.