As defined by President Xi, The Chinese dream is about the prosperity of the country, rejuvenation of the nation, and happiness of the people. The Chinese dream will be realized through balanced development and mutual reinforcement of material and cultural progress. Xi Jinping's inauguration in 2012 marked the beginning of a new era in China's domestic and international goals. Xi's leadership team included a new Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, who played an important role in establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Xi's position on many domestic policies reflected the CCP's need to maintain its power. As noted previously, China's military lagged well behind the world's major powers in the 1990s and the early years of the twenty-first century. As this chapter examines that, Chinese investments and funding projects encircled the planet, and China's role as the world's top trading country meant that its domestic issues and international policy choices could affect millions of people worldwide.