This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the key concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book creates units for the analysis of expertise sufficient to inspire field guides to natural human behavior. It shows how effective network theory tools, such as Keyword Network Deconstruction (KND) and Network Clustering through Ranked and Interpreted Connection Strengths (N-CRIX), can be for grouping dimensions. The book focuses on design programs. It also shows that individual design disciplines, such as Architecture and Interactive Design and Game Development, use the clusters, they also have a few clusters unique to them. The book also focuses on liberal arts, divided into a few clusters each of the major divisions of sciences, humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary studies. It describes empirical results that show how transformative learning involves a succession of four commitments, called the DEEP modes of commitment as an acronym for Disorienting Dilemma, Examining, Enabling, and Performing.