This chapter focuses on the context in which programmatic efforts and youth-centered spaces emerge. Respondents provide a variety of "push and pull" factors that can tear at the fabric of church-based youth programs and undermine youth involvement; similarly, other factors seem to cultivate attractive spaces. Church-based youth efforts are typically only as effective as the adults that spearhead them. It considers character traits, both spiritual and temporal, evident among program leaders, dynamics around volunteerism, and other personnel issues that can influence youth-related outcomes. Regardless of denomination, similar to the general pattern noted earlier, when leaders experience youth-related challenges, they respond by talking directly with parents, followed by having conversations with youth. Ultimately the results in this chapter informs that, among other church features, evidence of a child-centered, village-minded congregation will be the presence of a tool kit that includes tangible and intangible dynamics indicative of Black Church youth culture.