This chapter considers the role of instructional methods in L2 instruction, people ought to be clear about their goals. Language fluency is used informally to broadly denote a high level of language proficiency, most typically a foreign language. Today people find the majority of English-language development (ELD) educators' pedagogy firmly rooted in a combination of the Natural Approach with a content-based focus. The author shares two methods that he believes are effective in English-language learners (ELL) classrooms. Neither is particularly new or revolutionary both are included in a well-known book on ELD methods. Experienced ELD teachers may be familiar with different language-teaching programs that use chants and other rhythmic patterns to teach language. The philosopher Willard Quine makes object naming the centerpiece of his work, aptly titled Word and Object, a book considered a milestone in the philosophy of language. Realia have a specific advantage for ELD and L2 teaching, but some objects simply cannot be transformed into classroom realia.