The author composed the entire score for the film Pull My Daisy and wrote the music for the title song, 'Pull My Daisy', with lyrics by Jack, Neal Cassady, and Allen Ginsberg. The idea of making a film based on Jack's work was easier to talk about than to actually accomplish. Many people felt that the experience of reading "On the Road" was like watching a film, projected on the screen of your mind, as you devoured the pages of his classic adventure story-poem-novel. All of his writing, like his spontaneous raps, conjured up kaleidoscopic imagery that made everyone feel that they were a member of the cast in a great documentary film about the quintessential America we all longed to be part of. He often told the author his books were sight and sound journeys, told in the style of a great jazz solo, to be shared by the readers, joining him on his endless odyssey.