The ghost exclaimed that "Globalization" which started centuries ago, played a huge role in spreading and entrenching There Is No Alternative (TINA). By the mid-1990s, shortly after the Soviet collapse, TINA already had a stranglehold on the American mind. But there were other countries around the world that still believed in alternatives to capitalism and were already embarking on the very first stages of building alter-capitalism. Globalization was America's ideological as well as economic agenda. Its aim is to bring its U. S. style capitalism and its TINA ideology to the world. Giant US multinationals and a global media and military would take capitalism and TINA everywhere they went. "In other words", the author said, globalization was most of all about colonizing the mind-about making TINA the whole world's religion. But global capitalism could not take root until people around the world embraced TINA.