This chapter presents a conversation between ghost and the author. It is essential to stiffen the spine of liberals and debunk There Is No Alternative (TINA), especially in an era when human civilization is on the edge of disaster. But most people think there hardly exists a Left-liberals are now called the Left. It seems the Left died with the 1960s. And, in a sense, it did die because most on the Left are actually movements now focused on caste, that is, issues of gender, race, and sexual orientation at the exclusion of class. Class is defined by position in the economic system, which can change over our lifetime. Caste is defined by race, gender, sexual orientation, and nationality. It is something we are born into and cannot easily change. The caste movements are sometimes tricked into becoming ideological allies, even sponsors, of TINA when they focus only on caste and abandon the language and politics of class.