This chapter focuses on ghost's view about Capitalism and the Great Recession. The ghost explains that There Is No Alternative (TINA) rules the roost now, as the United States and the whole world are trying to climb out of the deepest capitalist crisis since the Great Depression. In 2011 it looks as if we could follow Japan into years of economic malaise, especially when it comes to jobs and housing. In July 2010 the housing market double-dipped, with housing prices tumbling badly just two years after the original housing meltdown. This Great Recession is not just a routine dip. People are entering into a period of an endless, stomach-churning economic rollercoaster's rides marked by frequent and deeper financial bubbles, stagnation and high unemployment and massive debt. Thus TINA has become suicidal for humanity because it tells that people must stop thinking about new systems precisely when the system is so crisis-ridden that it destroys people trying to keep it alive.