This chapter presents a conversation between the author and Karl Marx. It deals with five lessons of Capitalist crisis. First, capitalism creates more and more destructive crises. It's in the system's DNA, and new twenty-first century economic, environmental, and military limits will create new and far worse perpetual global crises-the long crisis leading toward economic collapse and the death of capitalist society itself. Second, stagnation and growing joblessness and inequality lead capitalism toward a casino model, built on making money from money and subject to constant bubbles and credit and debt crises. Third, as in the Great Depression and Great Recession, war may prove irresistible as a way out of such crises. Fourth, jobs, housing, education, and the ordinary worker's standard of living will keep declining as corporations take greater control of the government, as attacks on unions increase, and the debt and fiscal crises intensify. And finally, inequalities and human suffering will increase unacceptably.