The war system is a war against the population at home, a brilliant strategy to win their loyalty in a system that is betraying them". People say that the war system is really targeting and attacks the workers at home. It is a largely unseen part of the class war at home. It's an old story, built around hateful enemies, distorted patriotism, and hyper-nationalism. George Orwell wrote about it in 1984, showing how Big Brother won the loyalty of his beaten-down population at home by showing daily images on big telescreens mounted at home, in offices, and on the streets of the Two Minute Hate, programs showing heroic wars against the enemy, with great triumphs to come. In the war system, though, their anger and desperation is redirected from the multimillionaires in the suites to foreign enemies. They are united with the CEOs in their common war to support the troops and the nation.