The right-wing redefined the economic crisis as a war between "the Volk" or true productive Germans with family and patriotic values, against the 'parasites'. Mostly urban unionized or Communist workers, liberals, feminists, Jews, gays, government workers, and artists who were all deviants and degenerates, incapable of being productive or patriotic. They were destroying all the 'traditional family and small town values' that made Germany great. All others were urban parasites who lived off the hard-earned taxes of the productive Aryans were destroying the core values of the German nation, including patriotism and the quest for a great German Reich/empire. The German Right also exploited fears of the German rural and small town masses of the unpatriotic 'aliens' in the cities, such as Berlin, full of socialists, Jews, feminists, avant-garde artists and other parasites who didn't respect traditional values. Hence Karl Marx's argument that reformists and radicals should unite to fight the Right reflected his long tactical commitment to electoral politics.