"Every part of the world", the ghost said, "is part of the great transition. It's not just a Western idea and elsewhere we see more revolutionary possibilities. If we look at the new stirrings in Latin America, for example, we realize that the great transition is global and sometimes visionary and truly transformative". "Well, there's Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, a flamboyant and powerful critic of the United States and an open socialist. He's much demonized by the American government and press". He had a big role in helping the South's hatred of U. S. militarism and Empire", the ghost replied. He overtly rejects U. S. super-capitalism and claims to build a twenty-first century humane socialism. Then Chavez has met the Millennial goals for Venezuela, cutting poverty and infant mortality in half, while generating impressive rates of economic growth. Thus Chavez is a symbol of resistance that should not be dismissed.