This chapter discusses some major speeches of Evo Morales at the UN and big international forums around the world. Morales has his own contradictions, and socialists leading nation states are inevitably caught up in profound contradictions. In January 2011, Morales slashed fuel subsidies for the Bolivian people to reassure foreign investors, a move that led former supporters to condemn him for turning into a neo-liberal himself. Morales had some serious tensions with the indigenous movements that helped shape him, as he carries the baggage of the nation state. According to him, the climate crisis is one of the crises of capitalism. Morales can inspire green socialism and other forms of Progressivism in the Western nations. He has led a movement to introduce teaching of indigenous languages in Bolivian schools. Morales sees both cocaine production and the drug war as part of the capitalist economy, part of the regime of death.