This chapter focuses at Costa Rica, a far more reformist model of alter-capitalism, with strong capitalist dimensions as big multinationals gain more footing in the country. As in most other IS nations and regions in the South, there is still unacceptably high poverty, unemployment, and inequality. And it's moved heavily toward neo-liberalism and opening itself to the frothing jaws of global super-capitalism. Costa Rica has had a democratic system for over 50 years, and, while it is far from the socialist democracy ideal of giving true power to workers and farmers, it is the most stable democracy in Central America as well as one of the older democracies in the world Costa Rica has been ranked in various global indices as the 'greenest' country in the world. It is, of course, famous for its eco-tourism and its commitment to sustain its beautiful flora and fauna. Costa Rica is the first nation to commit to carbon neutrality.