This chapter presents a conversation between the author and the ghost. Surprisingly, the ghost then told him to buck up, suddenly moving our conversation in a whole new direction. 'Yes, There Is No Alternative (TINA) is the new religion', he said, but it is beginning to crack. The media, politicians, most intellectuals, have bought into TINA in their heart of hearts. But the public, and here the ghost spoke with the first hint of ghostly optimism he had heard, is beginning to lose faith in the system. The ghost paused to make special mention of the Hollywood Oscar documentary filmmaker Michael Moore. Michael has spent a lifetime documenting the cruelty of corporations to their workers, all for profit. And he has made a movie Capitalism: A Love Story specifically about why capitalism has to go. Hence the author loved the ghost's hopefulness about the passion of change residing deep in the hearts of people all around an increasingly capitalized world.