This chapter presents a conversation between the ghost and the author about great transition. The great transition is the stealth spread of alternative systems, sprouting around the world, and even within parts of the United States. The authors are seeing around the world two major types of progressive movements in the great transition. One is the post-capitalist, which explicitly rejects capitalism and embraces socialism/other non capitalist democratic alternatives. The other is the alter-capitalist, for it seeks to move beyond U. S. super-capitalism but has not explicitly embraced socialism or fully rejected capitalism. The author wrote in many of his works, including Capital and Critique of the Gotha Program, that there would be an extended period of transition between capitalism and post-capitalist societies. But they talked so much about the revolution giving rise to what seemed to be one great apocalyptic event to end capitalism and bring forth the dictatorship of the proletariat, and said it was the only way forward".