An important concern about being in the right degree program relates to the accreditation of the degree. Accreditation is complex. The need to be an informed consumer is very important when seeking an advanced degree. Accreditation is a voluntary process conducted by private, nonprofit organizations designed to review and scrutinize colleges and universities and the programs within their purview. In the United States alone, accredited colleges or universities award more than 300 different graduate degrees. Most colleges and universities now offer courses in an online as well as classroom format. Specific information, activities, suggestions, and tips about accreditation; the many different types of degree programs; credits required for graduation; different types of courses; course delivery formats; program development; course completion; time management; controlling frustration; and the relationship of the mind, body, and spirit to program completion are presented. The purpose of these courses is to provide the latest and most current information about specializations offered by the college or department.