The postracial rule of the Barack Obama presidency came in mid-July address to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), marking the one-hundredth anniversary of that venerable civil rights organization. Obama offered no words of defense of the largely minority-based urban activist organization ACORN when right-wing media and leading Republicans launched a neo-McCarthyite smear campaign against that group over the spring and summer of 2009. The behavior of the Obama White House naturally had nothing to do with the preposterous charge of right-wing talk radio hosts and other Republican commentators and activists that Obama was a leftist reparations activist fanatically preoccupied with making white people pay for past racism. George W. Bush's inner circle from the State Department to the Supreme Court was the most multiracial in presidential history. The Justice Department called legislation a "valid exercise of Congress power" and said it was 'reasonable and rational for Congress to maintain its longstanding policy of fostering.