Choosing which college to attend can be difficult. After all, there are numerous variables to consider when choosing the right college. Economic costs, for example, have become an increasing concern for many students (and their parents). Scholarship offers that lower the overall financial costs of attending college must be factored into the economic decision. The reputation of the college and, more importantly, of the specific program of study is also a critical factor in the decision-making process. Some students may decide that a two-year degree is sufficient for their career aspirations. Other students will realize that a four-year degree is a minimum requirement for the jobs they aspire to attain. Attending a two-year school first and then transferring to a four-year school is an option that many students seeking a bachelor’s degree will choose. Some students want to be close to home; others want to move away. Whether a college is wireless accessible has become increasingly important for incoming students. And there are still other factors to weigh, such as the social life on campus, the quality of the dorms and cafeteria food, the aesthetics and safety of the campus, and the reputation of the professors. Some students may want to attend the same college as their parents to fulfill some sort of romantic legacy. Yes, choosing the right college to attend involves many variables, and making the proper decision seems quite important.