Abu'l-Barakat begins to describe what has been accomplished by describing his logical-psychological system. He considers the theoretical cognition of God conceived in this manner. Abu'l-Barakat mentions the notion of his logical and psychological conceptions when considering a new form of cognition of God. The goal of clarifying the nature of ipseitical cognition will be accomplished by clarifying the nature of ipseitical apprehension. Apprehension was conceived in the Psychology and reiterated in the Metaphysics, where one has learned that mental apprehensions are of mental existence. Abu'l-Barakat refers to the highest level of existence, which is concealed from the senses but revealed by the speculation. The direct apprehension is the new epistemological conception that extends beyond the physical limits of the soul's sense perception. Abu'l-Barakat conceives that God is the Light of Lights and Principle of Principles. The conception of the Light of Lights is conceived with the notion of the Jewish tradition known as Shem ha-Meforash, the Special Name of God.