Introduction In his chapter, I will critically discuss aspects of transformation from the PKK to the KCK. I will examine through the KCK’s policy and practice its political, cultural, social and societal activism. I will consider the KCK and use an examination of social movement theories in order to elaborate the extent of social movement elements within the KCK. Particularly, based on the notions of transformation and changing societal values which are the main tasks of social movements according to theories, the detail of the transformation of this main actor of the Kurdish national struggle will be examined. If a social movement’s main task as Castells (2012) argued is changing the values of society, producing and reproducing values in society, where is the change of values in Kurdish society since the KCK has been actively performing a role among Kurdish and Kurdistani societies? If it is argued that the KCK is a social system rather than a political movement, then the process of changing values, production and reproduction of values in Kurdish and Kurdistani societies should be seen.