The Sumerian founders of Babylonian culture—Possible pre-Sumerian {? Semitic) element in Babylonia—The Semitic (?) gods of the Sumerians—Sudden appearance of Sumerian culture—Its early stages not passed in Babylonia but most probably in India, i.e. they were Dravidians who passed through southern Persia to Babylonia— Probably they brought the higher civilization to the Euphrates valley—The first irrigation of the valley: legends of Marduk and Tiâmat—Excavations at Fârah—The beginnings of history, late in the story of Sumerian culture—Berossos' account of the early history of Babylon—Oannes the civilizer—The Deluge—The legend of Kutha —Gilgamesh and Eabâni—The city-states and patesis—Utug, the first known ruler— Ur-ninâ of Lagash—Sumerian art in his time—Eannatum and the "Stele of the Vultures"—The wars of Lagash and Umma—Sumerian military array—War against Elam—Entemena and the relics from Telloh—Urukagina the reformer— Lugalzaggisi of Umma conquers Lagash—The empire of Lugalzaggisi reaches the Mediterranean—Early Syria and Palestine