... The workers' propaganda teams are entering the field of education. This is an earth-shaking event. Schools were the monopoly of the exploiting classes and their children from ancient times. Conditions improved somewhat after liberation, but in the main the schools were still monopolized by bourgeois intellectuals. Some students from these schools have been able, for various reasons, to integrate themselves with, and serve, the workers, peasants, and soldiers (generally speaking, because they themselves or their teachers are comparatively good or because of the influence of their families, relatives, or friends, but chiefly of society at large). Some others have not. In a state of the dictatorship of the proletariat, there exists a serious situation — the bourgeoisie contends with the proletariat for leadership. When the young Red Guard fighters rose in rebellion against the handful of capitalist road-ers within the Party during the current Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the reactionary bourgeois forces in the schools got hard blows for a while. But shortly afterward, certain people were again active in secret. They incited the masses to struggle against each other, and they set out to sabotage the Great Cultural Revolution, disrupt struggle-criticism-transformation, undermine the great alliance and the revolutionary "three-in-one" combination, and destroy the work of purifying the class ranks and of Party rectification. All this has aroused dissatisfaction among the masses. The facts show us that under such circumstances it is impossible for the students and intellectuals by themselves to fulfill the tasks of struggle-criticism-transformation and a whole number of other tasks on the educational front; workers and People's Liberation Army fighters must take part, and it is essential to have strong leadership by the working class.