M. A. Pictet served the interests of his Irish friends further by establishing personal contacts with them in the course of his three months tour to the British Isles and by publishing a report of his visit to Edgeworth's town in the Bibliotheque britannique of 1802. A. J. C. Hare reproduces only a small fragment The Life and Letters of Maria Edgeworth, London. The missionary zeal which inspired the Genevese editors of Maria speaks in the twenty pages of observations appended to the last extract from Practical Education: 'I'ouvrage que nous venons dachever nous a paru meriter l'extrait le plus etendu que nous ayons entrepris depuis que nous travaillons a ce Recueil'. As Stephen Gwynn puts: 'Maria Edgeworth loved Ireland and loved the mere Irish, as an Englishman may love and understand the Italians'. L. Edgeworth's anxiety to avoid the heat of the sun was shared by Maria who wrote in 1834: Heat always makes me so indolent, imbecile, and irritable.