This chapter discusses the long-term planning, which includes examples of how to break syllabuses down in order to fit them into the academic year. It overviews the medium-term planning that pays particular attention to schemes of work. The chapter discusses on using data to plan lessons, especially Fischer Family Trust (FFT), at General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and A-level Performance System (ALPS) or A-level Information System (ALIS) at A level. It also explains how teachers can adapt predictions and differentiation centred on data by tracking current working grades (CWG). The chapter also provides a brief explanation of various differentiation strategies. It then provides an explanation of three and four-part lesson plans. In sociology, long-term planning is essential as there is so much on both the GCSE, AS and A Level curriculums. Medium-term planning could, in terms of classroom practice, just be another way of saying schemes of work or units of work.