The principal descriptions of pig iron produced in Great Britain are forge and foundry, and Bessemer or hematite iron. The net cost of a ton of pig iron under these conditions, according to the calculations of the well-known German engineer Herr Lrmann, can be reduced, by completely utilising the blast furnace gas, by about 6.88 francs. Basic pig iron is now produced in eleven different centres of the trade. In 1850 the total production of pig iron throughout the world was under five million tons. Ten years later the output had advanced to 7,400,000 tons, in 1870 it was 11,900,000 tons, and in 1880 it was 18,484,000 tons. Up to the year 1870 Great Britain produced one half or more of the total pig iron output of the world. Up to the year 1870 Great Britain produced one half or more of the total pig iron output of the world.