In the past, holding unconventional beliefs was a serious form of deviance indeed. Cognitive deviance refers to holding beliefs that are unconventional and non-normative, which, in some social circles, causes their believers to be shunned, isolated, marginalized, rendered powerless, criticized, condemned, or punished. Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists regard the expression of certain beliefs as a manifestation or an indicator of a pathological psychic condition. An 'ecumenical' denomination or church is one that promotes cooperation and mutual tolerance among all churches and denominations. In December 2005, a federal district court judge rejected the suit brought by the school board of the Dover, PA, school district to introduce intelligent design into the science curriculum. A substantial proportion of the public believes that there are one or more insidious, shadowy groups operating in league against the rest of the society. Conspiracy theories almost always contain a demonological or evil-indicating feature.,.