This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book focuses on the politics of developing family identity in the workplace. It examines modern and postmodern work–family balance expectations in order to set the stage for considering the task of navigating work and family obligations from a diversity of family structures. The book explores the unique barriers of work–family balance for LGBTQ working adults and gendered obstacles to work–family balance. It looks primarily to the work of Hochschild, Meisenbach and Medved to look at the gendered nature of negotiating non-work obligations. The book also explores why, and within what contexts, people form family of choice, and how integration of family of choice into work–family balance may hold implications for how friendships and the greater community are prioritized. It also employs Casper et al'.s framework for examining opportunities for creating work–family balance equality.