This chapter addresses some of the issues Mohammed's Pork raises, in particular the use of mimesis as a way of representing cultural others. Reliance on mimetic performance as a strategy for multicultural education also parallels a dilemma facing easily identifiable members of minority groups. Education in Swedish schools is governed by the National Curriculum, which is continually updated. There are, then, a number of interesting homologies running through the performance of Mohammed's Pork that bind together bureaucracy, public representations of Muslims, national security, issues of loyalty and identity, and even the best ways to teach multiculturalism to school children and encourage support for asylum-seekers. In a culture increasingly fascinated by hybrid cyborg creations – and not least in the commercial world of fantasies for children – hybrids risk appearing pedestrian when they are not simply entertaining. A mimetic strategy, in assuming and requiring difference, itself "mimics" the logic of multiculturalism.