Your recipe, Augustus, may be an excellent one for encouraging hope in a state of probation, as you term it, but thank my good stars, I have no occasion to have recourse to such means, and your recollection might have saved you the trouble of penning it for my advantage, if that was your motive, as I have had the honor to be elected, and have now only to take the vows of allegiance, &c. and my establishment for life is xed. I le my angelic Rhoda a fortnight ago, and am come hither to give the necessary directions, that all may be in proper order for her reception. In the mean time, the lawyers are set to work in London, drawing up the writings; I therefore atter myself with the hope of calling her mine shortly a er my return to town. e generous,/ the noble-minded Mr. Bertills, gives her a most splendid fortune, far superior to my expectations or even my wishes; but he will not be opposed in it, and all my remonstrances were in vain.