Volume I 6 splendours] splendors 11 Hamburg] Hamburgh 20 last. ough] last.’ ough 20 pleasure.’] pleasure. 20 alone: I assure you] alone: ‘I assure you 24 barouche.] barouch 45 Mickle] Mickel. 50 placed.’] placed. 51 Crabbe] Crabb 61 pale, interesting] pale interesting 62 entreated] intreated

Volume II 82 perdition!] perdition!’ 91 sobbed Margaret] sobbed Margeret 91 poor old Margaret] poor old Margeret 92 know he is so.] know he is so.’ 93 alienate] aleniate 102 to her] to her, 102 on that account.’] on that account. 109 suspense] suspence 112 Mr. Cowland] Mr. Courland 134 natural] natunal 145 disposed] diposed

Volume III 155 by degrees] by degress 156 other.] other: 156 follows:] follow: 167 gay, thoughtless] gay thoughtless 168 Lyttelton] Lyttleton. 168 increased] encreased 172 increased] encreased 175 Almighty] Almighsy 177 deceased’s] deseased’s 186 remaining in India] remaining ir India 197 indefatigable] indefatigble 197 anxiously] anxionsly 200 excited] exited 200 deceased] deseased 206 Fitzormond’s belief ] Fitzorormond’s belief 210 excite] exite 211 to do evil.] to do evil.’ 211 shall no more] shall on more 213 his child] his hild 214 residence at Stanley Hall] residence at Stanley-hall