This chapter presents the English translations of two of the most popular eighteenth-century French novel "Letters from Juliet Lady Catesby to her friend Lady Henrietta Campley" by Marie Jeanne Riccoboni translated by Frances Brooke. Juliet resolves to avoid Lord Ossory, since she is unable to see him with any degree of tranquility. The day is far advanced, when fatigued with dancing and weary of the ball, she went to take the air on the terrace, which joins to the pavilion. A mask in a black domino, which had followed her above an hour, came and seated by her side. The sound of that known voice penetrated the inmost recesses of her soul: she knows him instantly. She finds herself surrounded by an infinite number of persons, amongst whom her eyes in vain sought for Lord Ossory: she perceives him at last at farther end of terrace, from whence, as soon as he saw her perfectly recovered, he retired with precipitation.